Article I - Preamble

We, the Utah Federation of College Republicans, are formed to educate our members on the principles of the United States Constitution, liberty, and conservatism, and to train and activate our members to uphold those principles through advocacy and volunteer efforts that support the Utah Republican Party and its candidates.


Article II - Name and Affiliation

The name of the organization shall be the Utah Federation of College Republicans (UFCR). The UFCR is a direct auxiliary of the Utah Republican Party. It is the only recognized College Republican Federation in Utah.


Article III - Objectives

- Train, educate, and inspire college students in the principles of the U.S. Constitution, liberty, and conservatism.
- Recruit more members to the cause of furthering our stated principles, and encourage affiliation and participation with the Republican Party.
- Help elect Republicans to local and statewide offices.
- Support university chapters in building membership and connecting with conservative community leaders and resources.
- Fundraising for the purposes listed above. Funding shall be allocated primarily to individual university chapters.


Article IV - Membership

To be an active member of the UFCR, a person shall:

1. Adhere to the objectives of the UFCR.
2. Be registered for classes at an accredited college or university in the State of Utah or intend to register for classes for graduate school within two years.
3. Be registered to vote as a Republican.


Article V - Chapter Chartering, Board Positions

Annual Meeting

- UFCR must host a meeting within the month of September each year with all leadership members from all UFCR chapters.
- Chapter leadership shall be defined as the chapter chairman, chapter vice chairman, and members of the board of each chapter.
- The members of the leadership of the recognized UFCR chapters are required to attend this meeting.
- UFCR chapters that are inactive, lack leadership, are nonexistent or have extenuating circumstances that interfere with attendance at the meeting shall be considered legitimate reasons for being excused from the annual meeting.

Local Chapters

- The UFCR shall consist of local chapters that may encompass a campus.
- To be an officially recognized chapter of the UFCR, a chapter shall:
- Submit to the UFCR board a list of at least three founding members, with contact information and the designation of one member as a chair.
- Submit a list of any other members, including name and contact information.
- Submit a document summarizing the chapter’s goals, objectives, and strategies for the region it represents. This should include the structure of officers (including at least a chair and vice chair) and terms of service; not to exceed two pages; hereafter referred to as the “chapter strategic plan.” This plan will be submitted to the October open meeting of the UFCR board.
- The UFCR board shall review the application for chapter status at the earliest board meeting and vote on approval.
- The UFCR may only charter one chapter per school.

Chapter Annual Review

- Each chapter shall hold its initial organizing meeting during the month of August.
- During the Chapter Annual Review, the chapter officers shall re-submit the chapter strategic plan to the UFCR board, including any relevant updates on goals, leadership, objectives, or strategies.
- The chapter officers shall also submit a full list of current chapter members and officers, including name, phone number, and email address.
- The Executive Director shall be in charge of the chapter’s annual reviews and submitting findings to the board.

Official Chapter Meetings

- Each chapter shall hold official meetings at least monthly throughout the academic year to maintain official status as a chapter.
- If this provision is not met, the State Chair or Vice Chair may send a letter or email to the chair of the chapter indicating a possible loss of chapter status. If after 60 days the chapter has not remedied compliance with this provision, the chapter status may be revoked by the UFCR Executive Board.

Removal of Official Chapter Status

- Any chapter that fails to meet the requirements set forth in the UFCR bylaws may have its official chapter status suspended or revoked by a majority vote of the UFCR board.
- The Chair also has the authority to revoke leadership positions, with the unanimous approval of the UFCR State Board.

UFCR Officers

- The officers of the UFCR Board shall be the Chair, Vice Chair, Executive Director, Finance Director, and Communications Director. The board shall also consist of every chapter Chairman or Chairwoman.
- The line of succession will be the order listed immediately above, chapter chairs cannot be included in this line of succession. If needed, the chairs shall convene an emergency meeting to elect a new Chair and Vice Chair. If a current Chair runs he or she must resign as Chair or President of their chapter.
- The officers shall be elected individually at the UFCR state organizing convention in odd years and take office at the end of said convention and shall serve a term of two years. If no officers run for these positions, the Chair may appoint individuals to serve in lieu of elected officers (see appointment procedure for ad-hoc officers). These individuals shall have full voting authority as the Executive Board and the State Board.
- Each candidate for office shall be:
- A registered Republican.
- Attending or graduated from a college or university within 2 years of the time the individual assumes office at an accredited school in the State of Utah.
- In the event of a vacancy of an officer, the office must be filled by a 2/3 majority vote of the State Board at an official meeting.
- An officer may be removed from office for unexcused failure to perform his or her duties of office by a unanimous vote of the UFCR Executive Board.
- The Chair may, with the consent of the state board, appoint additional ad-hoc officers to the board: Outreach Director, Political Director, Policy Director, and Parliamentarian. If appointed and elected, these officers shall serve until the next organizing convention.
- The UFCR Executive Board shall consist of the elected UFCR officers, not including any ad-hoc officers.


Article VI - Officer Duties/Executive Board Duties

Duties of the Chair

- The State Chair will be responsible for organizing and presiding over all UFCR State Leadership Board meetings.
- The State Chair can coordinate with Chapter Chairs to plan activities that involve multiple Chapters or organizations outside of UFCR.
- The State Chair shall be responsible for reporting the total number of students involved with the UFCR and other relevant information to the National Federation of College Republicans.
- The State Chair shall oversee and manage the financial matters of the UFCR along with the Finance Director and the Executive Director. This includes raising funds for the UFCR, distributing them to Chapters, and paying for officially sponsored UFCR activities.
- The State Chair will develop a budget that will then be approved by the Finance Director and ratified by the UFCR Executive Board.
- The State Chair shall have the unilateral authority to authorize spending that does not exceed $100. Per diem expenses must be discussed and approved in advance by the State Chair and Finance Director.
- The Chair has the authority to interpret the Constitution. Any constitutional rulings by the chair may be overturned by a simple majority vote of the State Board.
- If the State Chair is unable or unwilling to perform the duties of the office, then the Vice Chair will take over all duties of the office until such a time that the State Chair can resume the duties or a new State Chair has been appointed to the office.
- The Chair may create and appoint members to an advisory ad-hoc committee to pursue legislative/advocative issues with the approval of the rest of the UFCR board by a majority vote.
- The Chair shall oversee all operations and be the lead fundraiser, organizer, etc. All responsibilities belong to the chair and may be delegated to other elected officers of the board.
- The Chair is responsible for keeping a good relationship with the National Federation of College Republicans (NFCR). This includes keeping them up to date with information and events, but also ensuring the NFCR provides resources such as Chapter Boxes to each chapter.
- The Chair and Vice Chair shall keep good communication and relations with the State Republican Party.
- The Chair must attend and vote at all State Central Committee Meetings (SCC).

Duties of the Vice Chair

- The Vice Chair shall perform all duties of the State Chair in the absence of the State Chair or at the direction of the State Chair.
- The Vice Chair shall direct public events sponsored by the UFCR at the direction of the State Chair and with the consent of the UFCR Board.
- The Vice Chair will coordinate with the Executive Director and seek opportunities to add new Chapters to the UFCR Organization.
- If the Vice Chair is unable or unwilling to perform the duties of the office, then the Executive Director will take over all duties of the office until such a time that the Vice Chair can resume the duties or a new Vice Chair has been appointed to

the office.

Duties of the Executive Director

- The Executive Director shall be responsible for all logistics, ensuring meetings run smoothly, and maintaining the day-to-day operations of the UFCR. This includes meeting coordination, organizing, and managing the efforts to recruit new Chapters to join UFCR.
- The Executive Director is responsible for managing the annual chapter reviews and any other assessments of Chapters that are requested by the State Chair.
- The Executive Director shall work with the Chair and Vice Chair to manage and grow the organization’s reach.

Duties of the Finance Director

- The Finance Director shall be responsible for maintaining the financial records of the UFCR.
- The Finance Director shall create the annual budget with the Chair and have it approved by the UFCR board.
- The Finance Director shall submit an official UFCR budget report to the UFCR board at each quarterly meeting.
- The Finance Director shall seek out fundraising opportunities to grow the UFCR’s budget.
- The Finance Director shall work with the State Chair and Finance Committee to provide financial support for events and initiatives of the UFCR.

Duties of the Communications Director

- The Communications Director shall manage all public relations and communications efforts of the UFCR.
- The Communications Director shall manage and maintain UFCR’s social media accounts.
- The Communications Director shall coordinate with the UFCR Executive Board to create and distribute press releases and statements.
- The Communications Director shall maintain the UFCR website and ensure that it remains up to date.
- The Communications Director shall be responsible for maintaining communication between the UFCR Board and Chapter Leadership.


Article VII - Candidate Endorsements

- The UFCR may endorse candidates in any election within Utah.
- An endorsement requires a 2/3 majority vote of the UFCR board.
- Any chapter may endorse candidates in their area if they follow the same endorsement procedure.
- The UFCR and its Chapters shall not endorse any candidate in a contested Republican primary.


Article VIII - State Convention

- The UFCR shall hold a state convention every two years in the month of April. The date and location shall be determined by the UFCR board.
- The UFCR convention shall serve as the election meeting for UFCR state officers.
- Any member of the UFCR who is a registered Republican and attends or graduated from a college or university within 2 years of the time the individual assumes office is eligible to vote in the UFCR state convention.


Article IX - Decorum and Debate

- UFCR meetings shall be conducted in a professional manner.
- All debate shall be conducted according to Robert's Rules of Order.
- All members of the UFCR shall maintain decorum and respect for other members during debate.


Article X - Amendments

- This Constitution may be amended by a 2/3 majority vote of the UFCR board.
- Proposed amendments shall be submitted to the UFCR Executive Board in writing no later than 30 days before a scheduled board meeting.
- The UFCR board shall vote on the amendment at the next scheduled board meeting.




This Constitution was last amended on August 13th, 2024.
